Disaster Response
At Florida Homes Direct, we know that recovering from a disaster can be an overwhelming task. And we’re committed to helping find solutions that make it easy and efficient for individuals and families to get back home safely and rapidly.
We’ve worked all along the Gulf Coast and throughout the state of Florida to deliver replacement homes during periods of recovery and have extensive knowledge of the "Rebuild Florida Program."
Let our experienced team help you navigate all the steps of the process and use our track record as an approved contractor to help you along the way–-from ordering and permitting, to site delivery and installation, and everything in between.
Contact us early to let us help evaluate your individual situation and guide you to a quick and affordable solution that gets you into a new home
We will help you locate storage for your belongings, handle demolition of your existing home, and prepare your lot for new your home
We will work with you to select your new home and obtain all permits, utility connections, and additional amenities such as carport or storage buildings

Authorized Dealers
Manufactured | Modular | Park Models
and TINY Homes
Florida Homes Direct offers an unlimited variety of housing options designed to meet each customer's budget. We are direct dealers for Affinity Building Systems, Legacy, Palm Harbor, Scotbilt and TRU.
We are certified General Contractors for Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi, along with Florida licensed manufactured and modular home installers.
We will assist you in choosing the correct home for your site, design and install the appropriate foundation, install and hook up site utilities, provide building permits and all other site work such as driveways, carports, fencing, etc.
We order directly from the manufacturer and ship directly to your location which allows us to offer you the lowest price for your new home. We are fully licensed, insured and bonded.
We sell Wind Zone 2, 3, and Exposure D homes.
Contact Us to discuss your new home purchase solution.
Elegant & Everlasting Modular Homes
Take a look at our wonderful modular home floorplans. All of our plans were designed and engineered in-house at Affinity. We are sure you’ll find something you love!
Sunshine Homes has been building quality homes since 1971. Our mission is to build manufactured homes and modular homes with quality, style, and value to meet the evolving needs of today’s hardworking families. We are a family-owned, debt-free, and financially sound company. Our homes have a variety of options to fit your taste and budget in order to completely satisfy any individual or family who is looking for quality and dependability without sacrificing style.

America's Top Brand
Legacy Housing is set apart from the rest is our floorplan functionality. We aim to build a home that comforts your family every day & we deliver.
More home for your money.
Palm Harbor has specialized in building manufactured homes, modular homes and mobile homes "on your lot" for over 40 years.
Your Roof Your Rules
TRU are among the most affordable homes in America. And owning your own low-cost, manufactured home means making your own rules
Ready for the next step?
We pride ourselves on being there to help you through every step of the mortgage process. We know the process can be daunting, so we have multiple lending options that we make available to all customers.
Home Only Financing
Land-Home Financing
Conventional Mortgages
FHA and VA Mortgages
On Q Financial
Central Bank
Total Lending Concepts
First Federal Bank
Triad Financial Services
Toll Free (800)522-2013

Modular Homes vs. Manufactured Homes
No they are not the same thing! But if you are in the market for a modular home the salesperson might very well refer to it as a manufactured home.
Even though modular homes and manufactured homes are both used as quality year-round homes they differ in many other respects. For instance my friend lives in an old, single-wide manufactured home, which is alot closer to a trailer than a typical home. Mobile homes trailers are the very old manufactured homes which still exist (talk about strong quality) but are not very common or popular today. Manufactured homes including the rare old mobile home trailers, will often find permanent residence in a trailer park or manufactured home community; whereas modular homes can be placed on a plot of land in almost any neighborhood that passes state and regional bylaws.
The difference between modular and manufactured homes is often in the permanence. For instance modular homes are placed on a permanent foundation; whereas trailers, or manufactured homes are built on a steel chassis with wheels attached. This is so the trailer can be moved or towed. Almost always the wheels are removed and the manufactured home exteriors are finished to closely match the look of traditional homes. It is possible to reattach the wheels and move the manufactured home in the future.
In addition, if you plan to build a modular home and transport it to a land plot, the land you want to build on might be subject to restrictions. Please check with your state and regional building laws before you buy! An occasional issue with modular home buyers is not having enough setback clearance on their building site to place the large size modular home they desire.
Also, manufactured homes and modular homes have differing resale values - and if you were selling your home you would want to get top dollar for what it was worth - wouldn't you? Modular homes typically have much better resale value than manufactured homes built on a steel chassis according to the HUD building code.
Let's start with a brief overview of manufactured vs. modular homes...
Modular Homes
Often referred to as factory-built (or pre-fabricated) homes.
Modular homes come pre-built in sections from the factory.
Modular homes are then transported to the building site on truck beds, and set together using by a large crane and construction workers at the building site.
They are finished on location, and must conform to all local, state or regional building codes.
After the contractor places the modular home on site and completes the finishing work, a local building inspector will visit the site to inspect the home to ensure its construction adheres to the state or regional requirements and that all finish work was completed safely and up to standard.
Modular homes are placed on a permanent foundation at the building site and often have full basements.
Modular homes are sometimes used to expedite the creation of planned communities or large residential projects like college dormitories.
Modular homes are typically larger than manufactured homes - they have full kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms, washer and dryer hookups. Many even have fireplaces and dishwashers.
Modular homes are typically more expensive per square foot than manufactured homes.
The home equity of a well-built modular home will continue to grow in value over time. Upgrades can also be added like sun rooms, gas fireplaces, porches, garages, etc.
Manufactured Homes
Very old models are sometimes referred to as mobile homes or trailers
Manufactured houses are pre-constructed completely in the factory on a permanent, fixed steel chassis.
Manufactured homes have wheels which are typically detached once the unit is towed to the residence.
Manufactured homes typically have skirting/siding around the bottom of them to hide where the wheels were removed and to give it the appearance of a typical home.
Manufactured homes must abide by a Federal HUD building code.
Once built the manufactured home (typically 1-3 units) is moved to its final residence using their own wheels.
Manufactured homes remain on their steel chassis, and do not have basements. Theoretically they can be moved but that rarely happens.
Manufactured homes often face special residential zoning restrictions which can limit their placement.
Some families use the old and smaller manufactured homes for mobile vacation homes.
Mobile homes technically are manufactured homes but are very different when compared to today's manufactured homes.
Building inspectors are sometimes called in to inspect the electrical and propane gas hookups, but trailers do not need to pass a building code for occupation.
Manufactured homes are generally less expensive than modular homes.
Manufactured homes are often a little harder to finance and generally decrease in home equity value.

Let Us Furnish Your Home
As part of our commitment to helping you through every step of the process, we also offer home furnishing services. Let us help with the selection, delivery, and financing of your furniture. We make getting settled easy and comfortable.

From site prep and transportation, to utilities and permitting, and anything else that comes up along the way...
Let us be your partner and your solution.
Certified by the State of Florida
Woman Owned